Use the fair election features to
- Create vote-count data (OCR assisted) including original record photo.
- Batch send and receive the vote-count data by using sharing mechanisms.
- View and visualize regional or general statistics based on the vote count records stored in the device.
- View and visualize election results based on the vote count records stored in the device. View and visualize the results and statistics as per parliament composition, regional distribution, parties and candidates.
- Export vote-count data for processing by external applications.
- Create video, audio, photo and location containing incident reports that may affect implementation of fair elections.
- Batch send and receive the incident records by using sharing mechanisms.
Use the scenario features to
- Create personal scenarios by editing national or regional level change figures based on year 2018 MP elections to calculate probable 2023 MP election results.
- Store multiple scenarios and sharing the stored scenario data totally or partially.
- Import partially or totally the scenario data shared by other users to update existing scenarios or to create new scenarios.
- Calculate the parliament composition based on the assumptions in the scenarios. View the probable outcomes statistically. Create comparative views by choosing two scenarios.
Use the vote probing features to
- Create a personal vote entry.
- Share the personal vote and the other votes shared and stored.
- Viewing statistics of the vote data accumulated in the device.
- Derive scenarios based on the vote data accumulated in the device.